Shaqtacular Event

report and pictures by Tracey Waldron

On Saturday, September 21, 2002 at the Barker Hangar in the Santa Monica airport, Shaqtacular VII began at 11am.  The Shaqtacular event raises money to support strategic community oriented and driven programs to serve youth.  The hangar, along with the surrounding areas, was set up as a playland for both child and adult alike.  There were many interactive games, food booths (very good food too!), beverage booths, exhibits and giveaways throughout the entire Shaq area.  There was even one area where several tables were set up and had mounds of all kinds of candy were heaped upon it.  You could take as much as you wanted and they kept replenishing it throughout the day.  In addition to the activities and freebies given away, there was also the Shaq games which were held inside the Barker Hanger.

Just before the games began, the Swatch collectors that attended the event were given a special, Shaqtacular VII Swatch, a X-Large [what else?] Translucent Dream, SUDK105, with a new strap:

These swatches were not given to all that attended the event - just to the collectors, and I believe, the people competing in the Shaq games.

The games began with some speeches and the lighting of the torch by Carl Lewis and Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Arnold Schwarzenegger opening the Shaqtacular event

Shaq opening the events

This was the torch that was lit to open the shaq games.  It is made from paper & cardboard.

The first game was "Shaq Says" which was a twist on the kids game 'Simon Says'.  Shaq would make the participants do a variety of silly things and try to trip them up to get them out of the game.

The second game was "The Human Whopper Stack" (sponsored by Burger King).  In this challenge, the team had to build a 5ft diameter hamburger.  One of the team members had to dress up as the burger patty and get inbetween a bun and hamburger condiments (i.e. cheese, tomatos, pickles, etc).  The other team members then had to roll the hamburger to the end of an obstacle course without dropping any of the condiments.

The third game, Road Rally Race, the contestants raced remote control cars through an obstacle course.

In the fourth game, Shaq's Superstars, the teams had to dress up in funny costumes and perform to a variety of different songs.

In the final competition, Shaq Attack Man of Steel Obstacle Course (sponsored by Swatch!), each competitor had to dress up in Shaq's shoes, shorts, shirt and a cape.  They then had to perform a variety of basketball related stunts and zany non-athletic feats.  These tasks were not easy because the items of clothing kept falling off!  At the end of the competitions, the teams that performed the best overall were awarded a Shaq Shoe Trophy.  Sadly, the Swatch team performed poorly overall and were not given any awards.  Out of 8 teams, I believe Swatch came in 7th.

Around 4pm, the event concluded.

Here are some more pictures from the event:

Carl Lewis (one of the people on Team Swatch) signing autographs

David Arquette was mingling with the crowd watching the event

Debbie Platt:  She works for swatch and organizes many of the USA events.

Venanzio Ciampa (Head of Marketing for Swatch USA) is showing off the Shaq shoe designed by Swatch.

Swatch had a many Maxi swatches displayed near the sporting arena

Before the games began, Billy Blanks (creator of Tae-Bo), warmed up all of the competing teams with a round of Tae-Bo

A picture of most of the people on Team Swatch.
From left to right:  Mia St. John (Pro Boxer), Manager of Swatch Chicago, ??, Ron Lester (Varsity Blues)  Middle: Jeremy Suarez (The Bernie Mac Show)  Not picture:  Eric Fonoimoana (Pro Volleyball), Sicily Sewell (One on One), Carl Lewis (athlete) - Team Captain.

Tom Arnold (actor/comedian) - he was the courtside analyst

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