A Cooking Experience

GR114 Fritto Misto
GG121 Cappuccino
GG138 Blue Pasta
GM135 Sunny Side Up
GN156 Good Morning
GZ128 Eggsdream
PWK181 Langoustine
GF112 Hors dŽoeuvre
3-dimensional installation, 2001
together with the gift of giving, The Winter Holiday Celebration

Food has been a major source of inspiration for Swatch design over the years. The joy of cooking, displaying and eating are truly international as well as ageless and timeless. Swatch celebrates this diversity by presenting the highlights of an ideal Swatch menu, assembled around the table of time. As you partake of this fantasy feast please think of those who are less fortunate. The buyer of this lot will ensure that they are not forgotten in this season of abundance. On December 25th, each of God's Love We Deliver clients will receive a five-course gourmet meal along with a holiday gift bag. The bags are hand painted by local school children and are filled with an assortment of items, both whimsical and practical.

Starting bid USD 5,000
Final bid USD 7,000 

The actual artwork in the auction: